
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take Home Interview Questions [More]

Adding one more question to my previous take home post

Question 2:
Product management supplied the following requirements:
  • The application should be a windows desktop application.
  • The user can search data by show date, gender of participants, question id, and cities in which participants reside.
  • Cities should be presented in a drop down list.
  • Gender should be presented in radio buttons.
  • The search result should be presented in a table format containing all information described in the "Fields" bullet below.
  • Only 10 search results should be shown at a time. The user can page through the results by next and previous buttons. The user should also be able to change the number of records shown at a time.
  • The user should be able to sort the result by any field.
  • The application should be designed such that we can quickly modify the way that the result is presented to users.
  • Fields
    • Age
    • Gender
    • City
    • State
    • Question Id
    • Response
    • Show Date
Additional consideration should be given to the following:
  • The database is expected to have very heavy traffic and search could take a long time.
  • The search result can potentially contain a large number of records.
  • There is another team of developers that will be responsible for developing a search service that takes search criteria and returns results for you. The team is waiting for you to specify the interface to which their service will conform.
Design Phase
Your design tasks are as follows:
  • Write a brief summary about how you would deal with slow response time while a search is performed. Specifically, how would you keep the user interface from "freezing" while the application is querying the database?
  • Write a brief summary about how you would design the application so that you can quickly modify the way the results are presented to the users.
  • Define the search interface so that the search team can start their development. Keep in mind that the search result can potentially be very large.
  • Provide a class diagram of classes that you will use to organize search results. These classes should be able to call the search service, organize and sort the result, and provide paging functionality. Don’t worry about strict adherence to a particular software diagramming philosophy (i.e., it doesn’t have to be perfect UML). Briefly describe in words how the pieces of your design fit together.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

TFS to GIT Simple Migration guide

Migrating tfs to an external git repository involves these following steps; make sure to have git-tfs [https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs] installed. Use chocolatey [http://chocolatey.org] to install git-tfs.

To install chocolatey, run the following command in command prompt:
Once chocolatey is installed run the following command to install git-tfs:

To clone/copy the entire TFS code and history use the following command: Note that "clone" command would copy all code, history and changesets and "quick-clone" would only copy the latest changeset of all the files. The git-tfs command also takes in optional target directory parameter like the following example. The default is the path that the command is run from.
To ignore any file or directory or ignore multiple files/directories from being cloned, use the ignore-regex parameter: If you were to encounter an error like "Command exited with error code:128", you may want to run the git-tfs command with "-d" option, detail option, and ignore that particular file that is causing the export to break! Example: So lets for example you cloned all your TFS code to c:\Temp\TFSCode directory and also lets assume that your GIT (external git repository) directory is at c:\Temp\GITCode. To completely migrate from TFS to your Git Repository following 3 steps needs to be performed:


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random Bookmarks


DevRates - Open source reviews




Git Branching Strategy


Interactive GIT cheatsheet


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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beers in my belly - VII

Blanche De Bruxelles
